June 7, 2021

Government Working Against Those Struggling

It’s not an uncommon sight these days. To see government working, not for ‘We the People’ but ‘Them the Corporation’ at the EXPENSE of ‘We the People’ but, it’s blatantly obvious with the new Republican movement to cancel the Federal Coved-Related additional funds. Not only are they removing the additional funds but the additional time […]

It’s not an uncommon sight these days. To see government working, not for ‘We the People’ but ‘Them the Corporation’ at the EXPENSE of ‘We the People’ but, it’s blatantly obvious with the new Republican movement to cancel the Federal Coved-Related additional funds.

Not only are they removing the additional funds but the additional time available for those struggling.

Most employees on unemployment still are there because they are looking for work. However, much like the ‘Welfare Queen’ lies that Republicans spread when they wanted everyone to watch what people on food stamps bought instead of paying attention to corporations evading paying taxes (thanks to the conservative tax breaks) and grossly abusing the system in general, conservative politics wants everyone to think that people are staying on unemployment because they don’t want to work.

People who were laid off due to covid, a conservative exacerbated pandemic, are more often than not, struggling to find work at the same level of pay that they were at when they were let go. Companies are still trying to figure out how to navigate this new world with remote workers, masked customers, and a new influx of health issues and concerned citizens everywhere. People aren’t shirking work, they don’t want to go from $20-40 dollars an hour to picking up work at minimum wage and not be able to afford living in general.

You know? Like those living on minimum wage already can’t.

Corporations Are People Too

Now if you listen to the Republican Talking Heads, the politicians pushing these horrific policy decisions, the corporations are being hurt. People aren’t taking their shitty pay, crappy benefits, horrible hours or terrible working conditions. Up till now, it was a supply and demand scenario tho and people had a broader spectrum of jobs to pick from. But now? Covid has created the scenario that Republicans have waited for.

Millions of people on unemployment, just cut from unemployment! Now those fancy white collar workers can fill the shitty jobs that no one wants because… you gotta eat, am I right?

Republicans get the kick backs from their corporate owners, corporations get the employees they need to churn out sub-optimal products and services, and who cares about the employees? NOT REPUBLICANS! LOL!

The system moves right along.

This happened in South Carolina, Alabama, Alaska, ArizonaIowa, Indiana, Idaho, Georgia, Missouri, Ohio, Wyoming, Mississippi, Arkansas, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, West Virginia and North Dakota quickly followed suit  and more could follow. It did move into other states, Oklahoma decided to fuck over it's unemployed workers when Governor Kevin Stitt decided to disincentivize the unemployed workers from being unemployed by removing the federal benefits so they would now be employed because that's apparently how Republicans think that's how it works, or they are just generally assholes. I'm going with the latter.

Something needs to happen to flip this script on these politicians.

"Societies exist under three forms sufficiently distinguishable. 1. Without government, as among our Indians. 2. Under governments wherein the will of every one has a just influence, as is the case in England in a slight degree, and in our states in a great one. 3. Under governments of force: as is the case in all other monarchies and in most of the other republics. To have an idea of the curse of existence under these last, they must be seen. It is a government of wolves over sheep. It is a problem, not clear in my mind, that the 1st. condition is not the best. But I believe it to be inconsistent with any great degree of population. The second state has a great deal of good in it. The mass of mankind under that enjoys a precious degree of liberty and happiness. It has it’s evils too: the principal of which is the turbulence to which it is subject. But weigh this against the oppressions of monarchy, and it becomes nothing. Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem. Even this evil is productive of good. It prevents the degeneracy of government, and nourishes a general attention to the public affairs. I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical. Unsuccesful rebellions indeed generally establish the incroachments on the rights of the people which have produced them. An observation of this truth should render honest republican governors so mild in their punishment of rebellions, as not to discourage them too much. It is a medecine necessary for the sound health of government." Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, January 30, 1787

 PTJ, 11:92-93. Letterpress copy available at the Library of Congress. Transcription available at Founders Online.

Will you wake up? Donate to the Anarchist National Committee. Help us fight this nonsense.


The system is dying, let’s speed up that death and get to a world where we can work together without idiot government overlords.


Article written by randomblink

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